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Bio: What a Fiber Laser Marking Machine Can Do For You
In this article, we are going to introduction the technology of Fiber Laser marking Machine, understand its scientific background, its applications, materials targeted and its challenges.

After reading this article, you should be able to discern how best to use this machine for your own applications.

Understanding Fiber Laser Marking
A fiber laser machine essentially has three main parts, including the pump, the resonator and the beam delivery system.

The pump comprises of laser diodes from which a light beam is emitted and transmitted through fiber optics to a resonator which contains what is known as the gain medium.

The resonator hosts the gain medium, which in simple terms is a fiber optics medium doped with rare earth elements.

The main differences between different fiber laser applications are based on the wavelengths produced, which determines the surfaces that each type can mark on.

Metal markers are mainly Ytterbium doped, giving them the wavelength that is needed for optimal absorptivity for material marking various metals and plastics.

The resonator combines the gain medium with a set of full and semi-reflecting bragg grating components, that allow for refraction, amplification and filtering light waves to get the right wavelength required for marking.

The filtered beam is then transmitted to the beam delivery system, which is simply a beam expander and a lens contained in a beam head. This is the ‘laser pen’ that does the marking

Flexibility is the main advantage of fiber laser marking, thereby making it the most preferred engraving and marking technique in the industry, due to its versatility in marking diverse materials.

The information marked can also be chosen freely, ranging from text, numbers, logos, codes, images and photos.

Color change is a common process used in Laser Marking.

The process provides high contrast labelling on any material without damaging its surface.

In this process, the laser heats the material at the precise intended areas, exciting atoms and vaporizing the required parts, thereby providing a high quality contrast color-change on the material.

Industrial Applications of Fiber Laser Marking Machine
Automotive industry
The automotive industry has become one of the largest users of this technology. It is estimated that a car is made of roughly 30,000 parts, which are either made up of steel, aluminum, copper, special fiber or plastic, all varying in shape and size.

The following are some of the applications where part marking is achieved using a fiber laser marker in the automotive industry;

Marking seat belt components with information such as country of origin, serial numbers and barcodes.

Marking various components and button on the dashboard. These need to be well visible during the day and illuminated at night. Therefore, day and night markings are used.

Other materials such as ceramics used to make spark plugs can also be marked using these method too.

You’ll also find Fiber Laser markings on engine blocks, automotive sensors, chassis VIN number and motorcycle parts.

One of the biggest concerns with markings in this industry is readability and traceability. Parts ought to be traced to their country of origins and markings be machine readable. It is for this reason Fiber Lasers have noted increased usage in the recent past.

Integrated Circuit Industry
Integrated circuit elements are the most important units used to build circuits and systems. This Laser marking machine can be used to make markings on Integrated Circuits boards and semiconductor components, including text and graphics.

The Laser Cutting Machine and Process
Laser cutting is a non-contact, thermal-based fabrication process suitable for metal and non-metal materials. For the laser cutting process to run smoothly and at optimum capacity, several factors should be taken into consideration, such as the laser cutting machine’s configuration and settings, the material being cut and its properties, and the type of laser and assist gas employed.

Overview of Laser Machine Components and Mechanics
In contrast to mechanical cutting, which utilizes cutting tools and power-driven equipment, and waterjet cutting, which utilizes pressurized water and abrasive material, laser cutting employs a laser cutting machine to produce cuts, engravings, and markings. While laser cutting machines vary from model to model and application to application, the typical setup includes a laser resonator assembly, mirrors, and a laser cutting head which contains a laser focusing lens, a pressurized gas assembly, and a nozzle.

Laser cutting of metal has been around for a couple of decades now, but there still appears to be some confusion of which laser is suitable for which application. Although metal can be successfully cut using plasma or water jet cutting machines, when it comes to accuracy and consistency it has to be a fiber laser cutting machine.

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