Pengguna kkkoo1ko

Usia keanggotaan: 3 tahun (since 25 Agu 2021)
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Bio: Aluminium in the Building and Construction Industries

Aluminum building materials is widely used in building because of its intrinsic properties of lightness and corrosion resistance.

Aluminum is used in external facades, roofs and walls, in windows and doors, in staircases, railings, shelves, and other several applications.

Aluminium in building construction

Thanks to its features, there are many benefits that aluminum offers to the construction industry:


Pure aluminum is a low-strength metal and consequently not suitable for building applications but thanks to the addition of alloying elements such as copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc etc. and thanks to specific production processes, it changes its physical and mechanical properties to meet requirements of a large number of applications.


Aluminum alloys for Building are resistant to water, corrosion and immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, thus ensuring a lasting endurance

Low maintenance costs

Aluminum does not require any special kind of maintenance, whether it is raw or lacquered aluminum


Aluminum can be anodized or lacquered in any color, so it’s possible to  get the most varied effects and thus meet the designer’s decorative needs. Aluminum treatments can increase the durability of the material and its corrosion resistance

Reflective properties

Aluminum is widely used for light management: its reflective properties help to  reduce energy consumption for lighting and heating.

For example, it’s possible to reduce the use of air conditioning in summer season by using aluminum shielding devices.

Aluminum is not combustible

Aluminum does not burn and is therefore it’s classified as non-combustible material (A1 fire reaction class).

Nevertheless, aluminum alloys melt at about 650 ° C, but without releasing any harmful gases. And so, more and more often, the outer covers and external surfaces of industrial structures (and not) are made with thin aluminum panel finishes which are destined to merge only in case of fierce fire, thus allowing heat and smoke to escape and reducing damage Caused by the fire.

Certified studies have proved that the alloys,  the surface treatments (coatings) and the materials used are all neutral. Aluminum used in the construction industry does not have any negative impacts either on the quality of the air inside buildings, on land or water.

These are just a few of the benefits of using aluminum, in a technical and technological development view the extraordinary properties of this metal will offer (potentially) endless possibilities for building engineering applications.

The aluminium element was discovered 200 years ago. After an initial period of technological development, aluminium alloys were used in many structural applications, including the civil engineering field. Aluminium is the second most widely specified metal in building after steel, and is used in all sectors from commercial building to domestic dwelling.

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