Pengguna bubblefootballshopuk

Usia keanggotaan: 3 tahun (since 19 Okt 2021)
Jenis: Pengguna terdaftar
Situs web:
Bio: Bubble Football is a new and popular sport around Europe.

It was born in Norway and are being expanded to every countries around the world. There are no specific roles in the game, players just need to wear the bubble football suits, crash each other and shoot at the goal to win the competition. Normally, each team have about five players.

In United Kingdom, about twenty two clubs can organise the bubble football competitions.

Aktivitas oleh bubblefootballshopuk

Skor: 100 poin (peringkat #50)
Pertanyaan: 0
Jawaban: 0
Komentar: 0
Memberi suara pada: 0 pertanyaan, 0 jawaban
Memberikan: 0 suara mendukung, 0 suara menolak
Menerima: 0 suara mendukung, 0 suara menolak

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