Pengguna DFDVX38

Usia keanggotaan: 3 tahun (since 26 Nov 2021)
Jenis: Pengguna terdaftar
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Bio: It’s been a long fall without the Dinosaur attraction at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, but with Thanksgiving finally kicking off the holiday season last week at Walt Disney World, this world class attraction is once again operational after a nearly four month refurbishment. With animatronic models, like animaronic dinosaurs, the experience become more exciting.

Though Dinosaur's downtime ended up being much longer than originally planned (it was originally supposed to open back in September), it looks like a lot has been done during this extended refurbishment time. While nothing has changed about the core experience of the ride (you’re still going back in time to grab a dinosaur under a fairly dubious pretext), guests who board a Time Rover in the near future will notice several exciting new elements of this attraction when they ride. Here's everything you need to know about the extensive changes made during the refurbishment:

1. New projection effects have been installed at key moments in the ride

One of the biggest new additions that guests who experience the new and improved Dinosaur ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom will notice is some new projection effects that have been interspersed throughout the attraction. One of the most noticeable new projection elements occurs in the Compsignathus scene, where these little dinosaurs previously dangled over guests' heads during a pivotal part of the attraction. However, it looks like Disney has removed these physical dinosaurs during this attraction’s recent refurbishment, and has replaced the physical dinosaur props (which did not move at all) with subtly-placed screens that show digital versions of these creatures leaping around and nimbly moving through various debris.

Though this is the most noticeable projection effect that has been installed as part of this refurbishment, eagle-eyed guests will also notice a split-second “scanning” of the Iguanodon dinosaur as well during the ride, which matches up well with the audio and provides a nice visual cue that compliments the attraction's story.

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