Pengguna DFDVX17

Usia keanggotaan: 3 tahun (since 26 Okt 2021)
Jenis: Pengguna terdaftar
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Bio: To ensure the clear and safe drinking water quality, periodic cleaning of your rainwater tank, roof and gutters and inlet and outlet screenings is essential.

Tank maintenance should include:

inspecting your roof, gutters, tank inlets and outlets, and screens every 6 months

removing any leaves, droppings, dead insects and the like from your roof and gutters

cleaning out your rainwater tank as necessary every couple of years.

When it comes to installing a rainwater tank, often more thought is put into what tank will be purchased rather than the actual plumbing.

To ensure rainwater is safely pumped into your house, remains of a high quality and is refreshingly crisp, then you need to also choose appropriate tank fittings, connections and pipes.

For extra safety, you can bring your water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before drinking. Optionally, filtration can be installed at your taps to ensure high quality drinking water.

Just less than 10 years ago, the tragic in-flight break up of TWA "Flight 800" set in motion the action for many amendments to regulations affecting aging aircraft, particularly Fuel Tanks. As a result of the Flight 800 investigation and two other fuel-system related incidents, the NTSB identified fuel tank safety as one of its top three priorities. These priorities trickle down to impact not only aircraft design and products, but also aircraft maintenance. In this article, we will look at the use of transient suppression devices (TSDs) to comply with some of the new fuel tank safety regulations and assess some of new regulations from the maintenance perspective.

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